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The Power of a Seed

Categories: Sermon

The Sermon: Pastor Soroye
Title: The Power of a Seed
Text: Genesis 8:20-22

As Christians, we need to learn to be grateful unto God for everything and anything. Small things such as: waiting for a bus and the bus arriving immediately is something that we should thank God for. To get the best from God, we need to learn to be grateful. For answers to prayers, for wishes and thoughts that God brings to pass without us asking out loud for them, we need to learn to say thanks.

Noah desired to show his gratitude to God – so Noah raised an altar to the one who delivered him, helped & sustained this. He recognised & acknowledged Gods intervention.

An altar is a place where a mortal/human meets with God. A place that humans come to stand before God: to worship and rejoice him.

At God”s altar, we bring our sacrifice, we show appreciation to what God has and horscope Libra 2005 provides a magnificent opportunity to find the one for you to give your heart and soul. done in our lives. Equally, it is an avenue to exchange personal relationship/fellowship with God.

Every altar has a sacrifice. Blood is spilt. You”ll find this true at altars if even other gods. Nite that the wrong sacrifice will be rejected.

God did not reject Noah”s sacrifice but was pleased & accepted it.

It is important that when God gives you a seed, you sow some back to him. If you fail to do this, there are repercussions. Although it may be difficult to sow seeds, we need to understand that in the end, God blesses us back beyond our expectations.

When you sow a seed, it dies and comes back to life in abundance. Sow one seed of corn and you”ll get a cupful. This is Noah”s story. God accepted his sacrifice & promised not to curse the ground which secures our future.

The land where we sow our seed is an important factor to be considered before we sow. The fertility of that land determines the harvest.

Prosperity is not about material wealth but is about access to help, where help is available always as & when needed.

Ruth, a Moabite, is a good example of someone in the bible that paid a great & favourable sacrifice in sowing her life into Naomi”s life and by so doing she entered into the genealogy of Jesus.

Isaac was also offered as a seed, a sacrifice unto God.

Hannah, 1 Sam. She sowed Samuel and was blessed 500% back since she had five more children.

In summary, the best seed that you can sow is your own life. Giving your life to God and allowing Him to take it over.

~ Sunday 19th February 2012

To get the full details of this powerful message, use the Contact Form to reuqest an audio copy.

Author: debbie